Blend 26 | Honey Cuvée

Traditional Heirloom Cider

T.H.C. 26

6.5% - off-dry cider


Cortland, Ashmead's Kernel, Yarlington Mill, Pink Lady, Russet's & Wildflower Honey

This is a Cuvée blend of years, apples, and HOney. The Organic apples are from Heirloom Orchards, Stemilt & our own Orchard fromt he 2019 & 2020 harvests. This cider is complex and refined yet extremly easy to drink, Enjoy!

RS - .6%
TA - 6
145 Gallons
Released: July 2021

Blend 25

Traditional Heirloom Cider

T.H.C. 25

6.8% - dry cider


Golden Russet, Pink Lady, Yarlington Mill, Fuji, Granny Smith, Brown Snout & Ashmead's Kernel

This blend of organic apples are from Heirloom Orchards, Lazy J, Stemilt & our own orchard. Harvest in 2019, slowly fermented and matured before blending. This specific blend was created while sampling our vintages over a long lunch and found were looking for an easy drinking, fun, Spring Cider!

RS - .0%
145 Gallons
Released: May 2021

Blend 24

Traditional Heirloom Cider

T.H.C. 24

6.5% - off-dry cider


2/3 – Alpenfire Bittersweet Blend

1/3 – Heirloom Orchards Blend

One happy outcome of COVID-19 has been the extra maturing all our ciders have had. The acididty has mellowed, the tannins have softened & the flavors have melded to become very enjoyable. All apples certified organic & from the 2019 Harvest.

TA - 6.5
RS - .05%
145 Gallons
Released: March 2021

Blend 23 | Summer Cider

Traditional Heirloom Cider

T.H.C. 23 - Summer Cider

6.4% - dry cider


Winter Pearmain,Wickson, Golden GrimesMutsu, Ribston Pippin, Northern Spy, Arkansas Black [Heirloom]

2018 Harvest’s blend of high acid heirloom style apples grown organically at Heirloom Orchards in Hood River, OR. Proper aging has softened the acidity and brought out the fruitiness of this blend. This is a perfect refreshing summertime blend, the last of our 2018 harvest juice.

TA - 5.5
RS - 0%
145 Gallons
Released: July 2020